1D Modelling
Flood Modeller’s advanced 1D solvers are some of the fastest and most robust solutions available. If your river network goes out of bank, or your sewer system surcharges, you can dynamically link them to the 2D solver to accurately represent surface flows and depths. This makes our 1D solvers an ideal choice for a wide-range of engineering and environmental applications, ranging from steep river flows to tidally influenced estuaries to sub-surface drainage systems.
Key benefits
⟶ Trusted across the globe for being fast, reliable and robust
⟶ Dynamically link to the 2D solvers for a more accurate representation of flood risk
⟶ Includes a comprehensive range of structures, including operational control rules
⟶ Share outputs using various plots, aminations and visualisation tools
⟶ Access to the latest hydrological methods
1D River Solver
At the core of Flood Modeller is its industry-leading fully hydrodynamic 1D river solver which is suited to subcritical, supercritical and transitional flow regimes. It also includes flood routing capabilities, including the Muskingum and Muskingum-Cunge methods, which provides a simplified way to calculate downstream discharges.
The 1D river solver provides a comprehensive range of hydraulic structures, including gates, abstractions, weirs and pumps. Structures can be operated using logical rules for applications such as controlling the gate opening of a sluice or turning a pump on or off.
The software provides access to various hydrological methods, including direct access to the latest datasets, such as FEH Online, Environment Agency gauge data and UKCEH National River Flow Archive from directly within the GIS interface.
Flood Modeller’s extensive toolbox enables you to develop robust 1D networks, which can be dynamically linked to a 2D domain to provide a more accurate representation of surface flows and depths.
The water quality module enables you to simulate pollutants, water temperature, cohesive sediment transport, interaction of quality determinands with sediments, phytoplankton and pH. It can also predict the sediment transport rates and patterns of erosion/deposition in river channels.

1D Urban Solver
Based on the US EPA SWMM model, Flood Modeller’s 1D urban solver allows you to accurately model drainage systems as well as combined sewer overflows to evaluate the impact of extreme events on sub-surface systems.
When drainage or sewer networks reach capacity, links to Flood Modeller's 1D river or 2D solvers can be incorporated to model the resulting surface flows and possible combined flood risk for your area of interest.
Flood Modeller’s GIS interface allows you to quickly build a 1D network consisting of junctions (manholes), conduits (pipes), outfalls and various other structures. It’s easy to define direct inflow or define sub-catchments and associated rain gages, with a wide-range infiltration options available.
You can view time series results by plotting multiple variables, including junctions and conduits, over a specified time range. Long section plots are also available and show the water level along the most direct “route” between any two specified nodes. These plots can be animated to show the water level adjust over time.
When users have many models to run, they can utilise Flood Modeller’s batch runner tool to setup a suite of simulations and leave the software to efficiently manage the running of each scenario.
Up to 49% faster than other tools
Using a real-world case study, we benchmarked Flood Modeller against two other widely available software products. Results were not sensitive to the timestep selection, outputs reflected the flood mechanisms, and the simulation was numerically stable.