2D Modelling
Flood Modeller allows you to accelerate your project delivery by leveraging the power and speed of its 2D solvers. Its 2D GPU solver enables you to produce highly detailed and accurate results, whether you’re modelling a specific site or entire catchment or undertaking a national study.
Key benefits
⟶ Fast CPU and GPU model runtimes - up to 96% faster when using the GPU
⟶ Access third-party data to quickly and easily build 2D models using the GIS interface
⟶ Confidently and accurately model multiple sources of flooding
⟶ Generate and share various outputs, including depth, flow and velocity data
⟶ Dynamically link to the 1D solvers to accurately represent fluvial or sub-surface flow
Everything you need in one package
Flood Modeller 2D utilises shallow water equations to calculate water depths, velocity, and flow paths. It can be used as a standalone solution to calculate flood risk from extreme rainfall or flash flooding, dam or reservoir failure, coastal inundation and a wide-range of other applications. Additionally, it can be dynamically linked to the 1D river and 1D urban solvers to enable integrated catchment modelling, providing a more accurate representation of fluvial flooding and a better understanding of flood risk in urban areas.
Flood Modeller’s GIS interface enables you to quickly and easily define a 2D domain and display background mapping, alongside other contextual layers, such as the Environment Agency’s Flood Zone Maps and AIMS Asset bundle or Fathom’s Global Flood Map.
You can modify topographic features within your LiDAR or embed structures directly into your 2D domain, removing the need for a 1D model. To further optimise your model, you can incorporate multiple 2D domains, with varying cell sizes and resolution.
It’s quick and easy to explore 2D results and identify variations in water depths. The built-in animation function enables you to view and record a complete picture of your model result. Alternatively, export flood extents for inclusion within reports or third-party tools such as Google Earth.

No need for high-specification graphics cards
Flood Modeller’s 2D GPU solver doesn’t require high-specification graphics cards and provides significantly faster runtimes using a standard laptop GPU. This allows you to enhance your 2D model outputs without the added cost.
Using Flood Modeller’s GPU solver alongside a GeForce RTX 2020 graphics card, to run a 8.9M cell model with a 5m grid, runtimes were cut from 24 hours on the CPU to just 1 hour on the GPU, with even faster runtimes achieved with higher-specification graphics cards.

Bigger the project, bigger the saving
Whether you’re undertaking a site-specific assessment or national study, you can benefit from significant runtime savings when using Flood Modeller’s GPU solver.
Using an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v3 @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz (RAM 32.0 GB) machine and GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (Memory 11.0 GB) graphics card, model runtimes for a smaller 500,000 cell model can be reduced from 6 hours to just 15 minutes, with even greater savings achieved for larger models.