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Flood Modelling
Flood modelling forms a vital part of understanding flood risk and hazards. This means undertaking the evaluation and design of flood mitigation solutions that address both current and potential future flood risk conditions. Flood modelling can also be used to provide flood forecasts, enabling communities to be prepared for and respond to impending danger.
Flood Risk Assessment
Flood risk assessments are an integral part of planning. Many countries’ planning policies require newly proposed developments in areas of risk, or of a certain size, to demonstrate that they will not be at significant flood risk for the lifetime of the development and do not increase flood risk downstream or to adjacent sites.
Flood & Hazard Mapping
Flood and hazard mapping involves identifying areas that are susceptible to flooding based on various factors such as historical flood data, river flow rates, topography, land use patterns, and rainfall intensity. By analysing these factors, we can determine the likelihood and severity of flooding in different areas.
Hydrological Analysis
Hydrological analysis aims to understand and quantify the processes that influence the availability and quality of water resources in a particular area. It involves collecting and analysing data related to rainfall, streamflow, water levels, soil moisture, and other relevant parameters. Combined with hydraulic modelling, it enables you to accurately represent water entering and leaving a model and simulate flows to define the variation of water level over time.
Breach Analysis
Breach analysis involves hydraulic and hydrologic modelling to simulate the breach process and the resulting flood propagation. It aims to understand the potential consequences of a failure and to inform emergency management and decision-making processes. It helps in identifying areas that may be at risk, estimating flood depths and velocities, and determining the potential time of arrival of the flood wave at downstream locations.
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