Flood & Hazard Mapping
Flood mapping projects are widely used to identify areas at risk of flooding, and represent water depths, flow velocities and extent of flooding at any given location for specific return periods. They can also assess how flood risk changes under various climate change scenarios, providing an understanding of how specific locations will be affected by flood risk in the future.
Flood Modeller provides extensive capabilities to undertake flood mapping and can consider a wide range of flood risks including, fluvial (rivers), pluvial (rainfall and surface water) and coastal (tide) sources.
Key benefits
⟶ Confidence in results using detailed hydrodynamic models
⟶ Assess flood risk from diverse sources of flooding
⟶ Choice of background mapping and web mapping services
⟶ Powerful post processing tools and automated mapping features
⟶ Identification of key flood mechanisms through the animation of results
⟶ Tailored flood hazard calculations to meet local guidelines and regulations
⟶ Easily share maps with colleagues, clients and stakeholders
⟶ Update of existing Flood Warning Areas
Read how it's done
National flood mapping, Taiwan
Fluvial flood mapping to enable scientific and engineering informed analysis of flood risk was undertaken for Taiwan. Using Flood Modeller's industry-leading 1D and 2D solvers, Jacobs developed flood mapping for the whole of Taiwan.
Powerful tools to help decision making
Flood Modeller allows you to use background mapping for visualisation purposes and to help with model building, ensuring hydraulic units are correctly located. You can also use background mapping to enhance model results, e.g. using aerial (satellite) photography to overlay flood extent results.
1D model results can be mapped using powerful post processing tools such as the 1D Flood Map tool. Alternatively, run your simulations using the advanced 2D solvers and create flood risk and hazard maps directly from your results.
Create animations of your flood maps to visualise flood mechanisms and understand how flood risk and hazard change over time. Export your risk maps for viewing in Google Earth to create immersive visualisations and engineering design models.
Flood Modeller can take both water depth and velocity outputs to calculate maps of flood hazard. The hazard calculation can be tailored to specific study locations through user defined parameters.
In England, Flood Warning Areas are geographical areas where flooding is expected to occur and where a Flood Warning Service is provided by the Environment Agency. These areas contain properties that are expected to flood mainly from rivers or the sea. Flood Modeller Flood Mapping outputs can be used to update the existing Flood Warning Areas for your area of interest.