Key facts
A national flood map was developed for the whole of Taiwan (approximately 35,000km2).
A range of methods were undertaken, including 2D-only and 1D-2D linked modelling, to accurately represent flood risk.
Flood Modeller was selected due to its suite of fast and robust 1D and 2D solvers, which could be dynamically linked.
The extensive range of structures and hydrological boundary options within Flood Modeller supported the use of the software.
Flood Modeller’s open data file format and command line interface enabled the automation of model building, running and analysis of results.
What our users say
“Our client wanted a set of models for the whole of Taiwan that they could further refine and develop, post project completion, without Jacobs input. They also wanted a consistent, highly detailed, and robust modelling approach that was delivered quickly and cost effectively. By using Flood Modeller we were able to meet all of these requirements.
The open data file format of Flood Modeller enabled us to automate the creation of the model data files, and the command line interface (CLI) enabled us to automate model runs. We were then able to deliver a series of models that the client could use within the Flood Modeller desktop application.”
Richard Crowder Director, Water & Environment Jacobs
A large US insurer required fluvial flood mapping to enable scientific and engineering informed analysis of flood risk for their client’s facilities in Taiwan. Using Flood Modeller, Jacobs developed national flood mapping for the whole of Taiwan (approximately 35,000km2), enabling robust estimates of flood risk, premium quotations and the identification of appropriate risk management solutions for their clients.
The island of Taiwan is largely mountainous with large floodplains in the western third where the highly urbanised population is concentrated. The climate varies between tropical, subtropical and temperate - flooding is a significant natural hazard.
Suitable flood mapping was not readily available, therefore the project involved data collection and quality assurance, developing a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), undertaking hydrological analysis, hydraulic modelling and flood map generation.
Overcoming data constraints was a significant challenge. A new DTM had to be generated with linear topographic features (e.g. embankments and channels). A rainfall-runoff modelling approach was devised with adjustment of peaks to limited extremes data.
The hydraulic modelling involved 2D-only modelling in most areas, but where river cross-section survey data and major river structures existed, a dynamically linked 1D (channel) to 2D (floodplain) modelling approach was taken. This was easy to undertake using Flood Modeller due to the extensive range of weir, sluice, orifice and bridge types available, which enabled Jacobs to accurately model the impact of structures and their operation on flows and water levels.
Jacobs developed fluvial flood maps for the 1 in 100 year and 1 in 500 year flood frequency events for the whole of mainland Taiwan. All river channels with contributing watersheds greater than 10 km2 were considered within the modelling.
Flood Modeller’s open data file format and command line interface enabled Jacobs to automate the rainfall-runoff modelling, model building, running and post-processing of hydraulic models, delivering efficiencies of well over £200,000 for the client.
Flood Modeller’s user-friendly interface provided the client with an intuitive environment for reviewing deliverables and updating running, and analysing models post project completion.
The productivity tools and workflows within the software streamlined the development and updating of the flood maps.