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Seamlessly integrating hydrology and hydraulic modelling

Hydrology+ digitises the hydrological analysis workflow, bringing consistency, repeatability and easy adoption of the latest hydrological methods. It covers all stages of hydrological analysis, including data collection and visualisation, catchment schematisation, WINFAP and ReFH2 analysis, reconciliation of methods, application of hydrology and reporting.

It provides a step change for flood hydrology, introducing greater flexibility and time-savings for both hydrologists and hydraulic modellers.

Key features

Import FEH catchment descriptors

Hydrology+ offers access to your FEH webservice data, allowing import and management of catchment descriptors within Flood Modeller.


Downloaded catchments can be viewed in Flood Modeller's hydrology database, making all the necessary data available in a single location.

Access hydrological data sources


Hydrology+ is connected to the National River Flow Archive and the Environment Agency's Hydrological Explorer data in real time.


​Hydrologists can sort by gauge location and type, visualise and inspect data, all within Flood Modeller, eliminating data request delays and speeding up workflows. 

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Flood Estimation and Calculation Points


Quickly and easily schematise your catchment by defining flood estimation points across the UK. 

Hydrology+ brings together FEH catchment descriptors and gauge data to enable detailed FEH analysis using WINFAP and ReFH2.3 and integrating fully into the workflow.
Flood hydrology from WINFAP and ReFH is stored within Hydrology+, documenting provenance of analysis and rapid refinement of hydrology.

Export observed data


With Hydrology+, users can explore and extract observed data. Enabling them to quickly set up simulations, calibrate models and use the data for further analysis. 

Integrate hydrology and models

Hydrology+ workflows have been optimised to allow rapid application of hydrology to model simulations, including reconciliation of WINFAP and ReFH2 flow estimates, application of climate change uplifts and direct connection to 1D and 2D models via the hydrograph library.



What's new in Hydrology+

In this webinar, Adam Parkes, Technical Director - Flood Products at Jacobs, discusses the key features available in Hydrology+ as part of the release of Flood Modeller 7.1.

Seamless integration of Flood Modeller, WINFAP and ReFH2

Each application seamlessly integrates with one another, so there's no need to switch between products or constantly copy and paste data.


The full integration of workflows allows flood analysis to be quickly and consistently completed, with all results securely stored in the Hydrology+ database. Users can also inspect and visualise results directly at each calculation point.


Move all your network or cloud-based licences for Flood Modeller, WINFAP and ReFH2 under a single contract to streamline invoicing and renewals.  


*Requires a WINFAP and ReFH2 licence to fully utilise the integration

Hydrology+ database - a single source of truth


Accurately record and synchronise your hydrological data and analysis directly within Flood Modeller with our secure, structured database. Additionally, the backup function means you can save your work in your local database as well as share it with colleagues and clients.


Benefit from a detailed audit trail and version control, whilst removing human error, facilitating quality assurance, and helping you obtain regulatory approval. 

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Design Rainfall


As well as river flows, Hydrology+ allows the calculation of design rainfall using the last rainfall model (FEH22) and ReFH2.4.  Rainfall can be added directly to Flood Modeller 2D models or exported for use in other analyses.

Hydrology projects


Group your analysis together using the new Hydrology+ project, allowing sharing and exporting at the click of a button.


Projects allow the storing of detailed hydrological analysis with models, ensuring data provenance and more effective model reuse.

Quickly create scenarios


Reconcile your ReFH2 and WINFAP analyses and combine them with scaling factors and climate change uplifts to create inflow hydrographs for 1D or 2D models. 

Hydrology+ guides users to apply up-to-date climate change allowances from the Environment Agency, SEPA, Natural Resources Wales and the Department for Infrastructure.


Efficiently configure design hydrographs, rapidly update them with any hydrological changes, automate the linking of your hydraulic model and associated hydrology, removing manual work.

Hydrograph library


Your completed FEH analysis will form a library of flood hydrology, covering different return periods, storm durations and climate change futures, which you can choose from and apply directly to your 1D and 2D models.

Coming soon

Build simulation schedules 


Easily and logically build a suite of simulations by utilising hydrological data and analysis stored in the hydrology database to generate a simulation schedule.


Enabling modellers to quickly build all required simulations in a structured and automated way, saving time and reducing risk of error.

Report builder 


Aligned to the national authorities reporting requirements, the report builder helps you to rapidly achieve regulatory approval and sign-off. It allows for the generation of hydrology deliverables, reducing error and saving you time.

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