Key facts
Quickly batch up your simulations to obtain results faster and more efficiently.
Add simulations manually by selecting specific files or automatically from the project or catalogue.
Run simulations concurrently or sequentially depending on the available hardware.
Various model types can be included within a single batch.
All of the simulations are managed, including those that may fail.
Real-time feedback is displayed, including metadata and diagnostics from each simulation.
Enables easy viewing of each simulation being run.
Options appraisal using Flood Modeller
Appraise and compare the benefits and costs of each option using a wide-range of features within Flood Modeller. Its automation tools allow you to streamline the model build process and prepare model runs, making it even easier to assess the various options available to you.
For more information: www.floodmodeller.com
The Batch Runner allows you to quickly build up a batch run of multiple simulations from your project or catalogue, providing results faster and more efficiently. The simulations are run concurrently or sequentially depending on the available processors within your computer.
All of the simulations within a batch can be run concurrently or sequentially depending on available hardware. The Batch Runner lets you control how much of your available computing resource is allocated to your simulations. A batch can be made up of any combination of model types (1D, 2D or 1D-2D).
The Batch Runner interface enables you to specify the simulations to be included in a new batch run by manually searching and selecting the relevant files. Alternatively, the interface allows you to automatically load all of the simulations in the current project or catalogue to a new batch. You can then edit these to obtain the required run list.
The tool can be customised so that your preferred settings are saved and re-used should you want to repeat a batch more than once.
The Flood Modeller user interface provides a range of options for running your simulations. You can run one simulation at a time, or utilise tools such as the Batch Runner to automate the running of multiple simulations at once, allowing you to obtain results faster.