It’s quicker and easier than ever before to load your results and process large data files directly within Flood Modeller. Version 5.1 brings various improvements which simplify your data handling, saving you time when plotting data, giving you the ability to extract the information most important to you with less effort.
Flood Modeller provides an extensive range of tools that allow you plot your modelling results and review the outputs directly within the software’s powerful GIS interface. This is addition to the Tabular CSV tool which enables you to export user selected data to a CSV format for use in Excel.
The software provides four different plot types, including:
Time series – for 1D models, plots can be configured to display one or multiple variables from one or multiple nodes (e.g. river sections or manholes) taken from one or more model outputs. For 2D models, you can plot the results at a user specified point on the 2D domain.
Long sections – plots display the longitudinal variation in your channel bed or drainage system with or without modelled water levels overlaid (from one or multiple model outputs)
Cross sections – plots display the shape of a selected river cross section with or without modelled water levels overlaid (from one or multiple model outputs)
XY plots – display the relationship between selected model variables from one or multiple nodes taken from one or multiple model outputs. This includes stage vs. flow in 1D river models and depth vs flow in 1D urban models.

The 1D plotting tools have been enhanced to provide compatibility with comma separated text files. These files provide an alternative option for bringing in calibration data to a chart, for comparison to model data. The required CSV format is simple and easy to setup, e.g. using MS Excel. It consists of time values specified in the first column and data values in subsequent columns (plus a single header row).
“The enhanced plotting capabilities within Flood Modeller 5.1 provide significant speed increases when viewing model outputs when compared to version 5.0. The new features in the latest release provide even greater flexibility when representing multiple scenarios.” Bob Potter, Development Manager for Flood Modeller
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