The eagerly awaited journey towards a seamless integration of hydrology and hydraulic modelling has begun.
are very excited to announce that the first step in the full implementation of Hydrology+ is here, with the release of Flood Modeller 7.0.
Available at no extra cost, Hydrology+ streamlines the integration of hydrological and hydraulic analysis, reduces costs, and provides a clear audit trail and synchronicity across the hydrological and hydraulic modelling technical disciplines and workflows.
With Flood Modeller 7.0, you can...
Import FEH catchment descriptors
Downloaded catchment descriptors from the FEH Web Service can be viewed in Flood Modeller's hydrology database, making all of the necessary data available in a single location. Export the data to XML for use in the hydraulic model, making collaboration between hydrologists and hydraulic modellers more integrated and efficient.
Seamlessly access hydrological data sources
Hydrology+ is connected to the National River Flow Archive and the Environment Agency's Hydrology Data Explorer in real time. You can sort by gauge type and view the most recent data from UK gauging stations directly on the background map, eliminating data request delays and speeding up workflows.
Export observed data
Directly within Flood Modeller explore and export observed data for the specific periods you require. This enables you to quickly set up simulations, calibrate models as well as use the data for further analysis.
Thanks to Hydrology+, you can use the hydrological data available to enhance the accuracy of your hydraulic models and accelerate your project delivery.
For further information on Hydrology+ or the additional features in version 7.0, view the release notes.