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Ground-breaking integrations with Flood Modeller 7.1

The release of Flood Modeller 7.1 brings outstanding new features to the Hydrology+ module, updates to our Damage Calculator tool as well as a brand-new integration with Fathom's Flood Map API.

Flood Modeller 7.1 key features include:



The next phase in the implementation of Hydrology+, now offers a wide range of additional features. No more spreadsheets, manual data requests, or labour-intensive handling of data from one software package to another, Hydrologists and Hydraulic Modellers can work more quickly and efficiently thanks to streamlined workflows and access to multiple data sources directly within Flood Modeller. Project reviewers and other stakeholders can annotate projects directly in the software, with the data seamlessly transferred to the hydraulic modeller for perfectly smooth collaboration.

Calculation points

Define flood estimation points across the UK, bringing together FEH catchment descriptors and gauge data to enable detailed FEH analysis using WINFAP and ReFH2.4. 

FEH analysis

The full integration of workflows with WINFAP and ReFH2.4 allows flood analysis to be quickly and consistently completed, with all results securely stored in the Hydrology+ database. Users can also inspect and visualise results directly at each calculation point. 

Hydrology projects

Group your analysis together using the new Hydrology+ project, allowing sharing and exporting at the click of a button.  Projects allow the storing of detailed hydrological analysis with models, ensuring data provenance and more effective model reuse.

Hydrology+ database

Our secure, structured database for holding your hydrology data and analysis. The new backup function means you can save your work in your local database as well as share it with colleagues and clients.

Scaling tool

Reconcile your ReFH2 and WINFAP analyses and combine with scaling factors to create inflow hydrographs for 1D or 2D model boundaries and add the data to the Hydrograph library.  Hydrology+ guides users to apply up-to-date climate change allowances from the Environment Agency, SEPA, Natural Resources Wales and the Department for Infrastructure.

Hydrograph library

Your completed FEH analysis will form a library of flood hydrology, covering different return periods, storm durations and climate change futures, which can be used directly within your 1D and 2D models.

Design Rainfall

As well as river flows, Hydrology+ allows the calculation of design rainfall using the last rainfall model (FEH22) and ReFH2.4.  Rainfall can be added directly to Flood Modeller 2D models or exported for use in other analyses.

Enhanced Damage Calculator

You can now calculate multiple additional damages to enhance your economic analysis.

Onset of flooding

Easily access onset of flooding data for individual properties to illustrate the effects of climate change or the benefits of a flood alleviation scheme. Post-processing of results is no longer required, the information is provided for quick analysis.

Human intangible costs of flooding

The Defra guidance note on 'Revisions to Economic Appraisal on Human Related Intangible Impacts of Flooding' is now implemented in Damage Calculator to allow human intangible damages to be calculated by simply ticking a box in the tool interface.

Threshold sensitivity

Save time by running sensitivity tests on building thresholds, either using a uniform threshold value for all buildings, or individual thresholds for each building based on digital terrain model interrogation.  

Study area sub cell function

When undertaking damage calculations, it is often necessary to produce an area-by-area breakdown of results, this new feature allows the breakdown of damage calculation results by area, property type, or any other criteria directly within the software.

Damage calculator

Property Level Protection

Property Level Protection (PLP) is difficult to represent in standard hydraulic modelling, to allow for this, Damage Calculator now allows PLP damage reduction factor curves to be applied by simply ticking a box in the user interface. Results are then produced as normal, representing the economic damages associated with a flooding scenario in which PLP is used.

Property write-off and discounted market value of properties

You can now simply calculate write-offs and discounted market values by ticking a box in the damage calculator user interface meaning they can now be accounted for in accordance with economic guidance.

National Receptor Dataset 2021 compatibility

The National Receptor Dataset (nrd2021) contains changes to field headings and field contents related to property types.  To avoid pre-processing of property dataset and some manual field mapping, Damage Calculator was updated to automatically detect whether nrd2014 or nrd2021 is being used, and update field mappings accordingly.

Minimum depth function

Hydraulic modelling, including the application of direct rainfall to digital terrain models, is becoming increasingly common. However, the application of direct rainfall results in the entire digital terrain model being 'wet', often at a negligible depth of a millimetre or less, which can lead to erroneous 'damages' where all properties within the dataset used are 'flooded' to a depth of a small number of millimetres. The new minimum depth function allows the application of a minimum water depth to ascii grids, avoiding pre-processing of direct rainfall/surface water model results.


Fathom Flood Map API

The Flood Modeller user interface now has a new map function that connects users with the Fathom Flood Map database. It automatically extracts available flood map data for your specified location enabling you to get an initial appreciation of your site of interest by loading and reviewing the available data.

Fathom offers a range of flood map data variations, including different flood sources and return periods. Fathom have produced different flood map data products for different locations; Global, UK only and US only. All of these options are available for users to select from and utilise within the Flood Modeller map view.


We are very excited to yet again offer enhanced integrations, time savings and improved efficiencies to our users.

If you have a valid support and maintenance contract for Flood Modeller, you can download Flood Modeller 7.1 now.



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