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The release of Flood Modeller 4.0

The Flood Modeller team is pleased to announce the release of Flood Modeller 4.0, the latest update to Jacobs’ industry-leading river and floodplain modelling, and real-time flood forecasting software.

“With a legacy stretching back 40 years and with more than 13,000 users across the globe, the next generation of our flood modelling software allows users to build and run models quicker and more intuitively than ever before,” said Dr. Richard Crowder, Director of Flood Modeller.

The upgraded release retains the key features, open data file format, and data structure as previous versions of our flood modelling software, allowing users to continue to utilise the tools and workflows they have developed. Flood Modeller also includes stunning new innovative features, more flexibility and additional productivity tools - all designed to improve the user experience. Integration with third-party tools, including the US Environmental Protection Agency's Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), BMT WBM’s TUFLOW model and Deltares Delft-FEWS system is also included.

Eagerly anticipated across the flood risk management industry, Flood Modeller 4.0 delivers a superior flood modelling experience by bringing together our industry leading 1D and 2D solvers into one integrated package. Flood Modeller introduces a striking new user interface, completely redesigned to integrate individual modelling components within a single application—delivering a more intuitive environment for building, running, and analysing flood models. It also offers support for multi-screen working and web mapping services.

Get in touch with a member of our team to find out more about Flood Modeller and its capabilities. If you'd like a demonstration of the software, contact a member of our sales team today!


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