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University of Cambridge students receive Flood Modeller training

Last week, some of the Flood Modeller team, visited the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge to deliver a half day practical training session introducing students to 2D modelling using Flood Modeller.

The students were initially given a background into 2D modelling and the data required to build a 2D model. By the end of the session, the students had built their own 2D model, simulated flooding for a location with and without flood defences, produced flood hazard maps and then linked their 2D models to a 1D channel. This helped to give students experience in how Flood Modeller could be used to solve real world problems in practice which will be a valuable skill for them to have when applying to jobs after graduating.

This session was provided as part of a wider range of support and material that is available to Universities by the Flood Modeller team, to help them to introduce and to teach Flood Modeller to students. These include:

  • Introductory modelling guides

  • Training materials and other learning resources

  • PowerPoint presentations, including practical exercises

  • e-Learning material, including online tutorial videos

  • Training sessions at your university to help introduce the software to students

For further details on this and to find out how to obtain this material, please contact Alastair Sheppard.

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