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Introduction to 1D river modelling

This CIWEM accredited training course provides attendees with a solid understanding of the foundations of Flood Modeller, to enable them to undertake 1D river modelling effectively.

Key Benefits

Delivered through a series of presentations, hands-on practicals, and open discussion sessions

Presented from a practical point of view, by experienced modellers with a background in hydraulic modelling

Course materials include presentation slides, practical examples and datasets, and a glossary of common terminology

Includes a Flood Modeller licence for attendees to access the software on their personal laptop

Suitable for users with little or no experience in flood modelling

What you will learn

This course will provide you with the foundations of 1D river modelling within Flood Modeller. It will cover an introduction to the user interface and tips on file management and best practices.

By the end of the course, you will be able to build a 1D river model independently from survey data. You will understand the components involved, knowing how and when to edit key parameters.

You will gain experience in using boundaries, including hydrological boundaries. You will also understand the importance of initial conditions and learn methods to create these within the software.

The course provides an overview of the structures and features available in Flood Modeller and how to model the impact of these structures on local hydraulics. You will learn how to incorporate a bridge with road overspill within a model and will modify a river network to incorporate a culvert. You will also gain experience of representing a floodplain using reservoir units.

You will know how to run an unsteady (full hydrograph) simulation and visualise the results, e.g., flow and stage, through both plots and animations. You also will have experience with various methods to represent floodplain inundation and creating animated flood maps from 1D results.

You will gain confidence in troubleshooting issues and what to do if a model does not run; investigating instabilities, errors, and likely causes of model failure, and fixing broken models using the diagnostic information available.

Alongside gaining a working knowledge of Flood Modeller’s river solver and the ability to critically review the key elements of river models, you will be introduced to “real life” problems facing modellers, including handling conveyancing discrepancies, calibrating data, and ways to model climate change.

The course will provide you with an understanding of the tools available in Flood Modeller, and when these can be used to improve productivity. You will also cover a high-level overview of 2D and linked modelling, gaining knowledge of which modelling scenarios these approaches are best suited for, ideal for learners wanting to extend their knowledge further by attending the Introduction to 2D modelling course.

Upcoming courses

Online Course

29th April - 1st May 2025

Introduction to 1D river modelling


Online Course

24th - 26th June 2025

Introduction to 1D river modelling


Upcomig courses
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