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Introduction to 2D modelling

This CIWEM accredited training course provides attendees with a solid understanding of the foundations of 2D modelling in Flood Modeller, to enable them to build, run, and review 2D models. 

Key Benefits

Delivered through a series of presentations, hands-on practicals, and open discussion sessions

Presented from a practical point of view, by experienced modellers with a background in hydraulic modelling

Course materials include presentation slides, practical examples and datasets, and a glossary of common terminology

Includes a Flood Modeller licence for attendees to access the software on their personal laptop

Suitable for users with no experience in flood modelling, although it may be advantageous to have previously attended the course Introduction to 1D river modelling

What you will learn

This course will provide you with the foundations of 2D modelling within Flood Modeller. It will cover an introduction to the 2D solvers available and tips on file management and best practices.

By the end of the course, you will be able to build a 2D model independently from digital elevation data. You will understand the components involved, knowing how and when to edit key parameters.

You will gain experience in building efficient models, utilising active areas, and investigating different grid sizes and timesteps. You will also learn how to create boundaries as inputs for 2D models, how to make modifications to topography and roughness, and how to set up and run 2D simulations.

The course covers an overview of the methods available to visualise your results. You will gain experience in utilising the 2D flood map tool to generate flood hazard maps, modifying colour ramps to visualise these results more effectively, and reviewing the maximum flood extents.

You will know how to create a multi-domain 2D model and why this approach might be advantageous within your modelling projects.

You will gain knowledge of the similarities and differences between the 2D solvers available within Flood Modeller. You will also have experience using the ADI and TVD solvers to investigate the validity of the results produced.

You will gain confidence in troubleshooting issues and what to do if a model does not run; investigating instabilities, errors, and likely causes of model failure, and fixing broken models using the diagnostic information available.

The course covers details on embedding structures into 2D models. You will learn how to embed a culvert into a domain and investigate how this can significantly affect flood extents by facilitating the direct movement of water between “isolated” low-lying areas of the floodplain, e.g., through an embankment.

Upcoming courses

Online Course

13th & 14th May 2025

Introduction to 2D modelling


Online Course

1st & 2nd July 2025

Introduction to 2D modelling


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