TUFLOW | Buy your TUFLOW licences and support from Jacobs
Jacobs is a distributor for TUFLOW software, providing front line technical support – essential for anyone linking Flood Modeller to TUFLOW. TUFLOW users can dynamically link to Flood Modeller and benefit from the GIS interface, extensive range of structures and leading 1D river solver.
Key facts
Users of TUFLOW benefit from the user interface, structures and logical rules within Flood Modeller, making it easier and quicker to build models and analyse results
Increased flexibility and choice to use the most appropriate modelling approach
Build upon existing models and link them together with minimal effort
Link Flood Modeller to TUFLOW's Classic or HPC 2D solvers
Provides a dynamic link between Flood Modeller and ESTRY, the TUFLOW 1D solver
TUFLOW complements Flood Modeller's advanced 1D and 2D solvers and is suited to modelling rivers with complex flow patterns, overland flows in urban areas, estuarine and coastal hydraulics as well as inundation from storm tides.
Flood Modeller's user-friendly interface offers an alternative to using GIS software as it enables users to build, run and visualise models within a single environment. It provides a range of tools to define the GIS components of a TUFLOW model by manipulating existing data or using the built in GIS functionality to 'draw' new elements onto a map.
The data management tools within Flood Modeller enable TUFLOW modellers to store all of their model data within an organised project structure. This provides a clear record of the development of a model and the associated results.
Flood Modeller - TUFLOW linking
Flood Modeller's leading 1D solvers can be seamlessly linked to TUFLOW, enabling an integrated approach to modelling, combining open-channel, closed pipe and overland flow. The TUFLOW Link enables the ESTRY, Classic, and HPC solvers within TUFLOW to be linked to Flood Modeller.
The link allows flow (discharge) and water levels to be exchanged between a Flood Modeller and TUFLOW model. The exchange can be driven by either model with the exchange of information occurring at each multiple of the common time step.
Flood Modeller’s 1D network can be linked to multiple TUFLOW 2D domains, with each domain having a different time step and resolution. This provides both Flood Modeller and TUFLOW users with greater flexibility when producing an integrated model; use your preferred modelling method and the most appropriate model grid size for different parts of your study area.
Existing models can be linked together with little effort, making use of concepts already familiar to the modeller. Flood Modeller can be linked to TUFLOW via HX and SX boundaries so that level or flow information can be exchanged between the two models.
The TUFLOW Link also provides a direct 1D-1D dynamic link between Flood Modeller and ESTRY, the TUFLOW 1D solver.
When linking Flood Modeller to the TUFLOW HPC 2D solver, users can benefit from running models on a CPU or NVidia GPU hardware. Using NVidia GPU hardware can lead to considerably reduced simulation run times.