5 tools to boost your
2D modelling
Flood Modeller offers an array of tools to enhance your 2D modelling experience and accelerate your project delivery.
In this webinar, Elliot demonstrates 5 tools within Flood Modeller that allow you to:
Quickly make topographic adjustments to your data to accurately represent proposed developments or defences.
Easily embed structures directly into your 2D domain, removing the need for a complex 1D model.
Run a batch of simulations for different return periods, providing detailed results up to 98% faster.
Automatically link your 1D network to your 2D domain to accurately represent surface flows.
Seamlessly access online services to validate results using existing Environment Agency flood zone maps.
Our presenter
Elliot Petty, Senior Modeller and Hydrologist, Jacobs
Elliot has over 7 years’ experience in fluvial/pluvial hydraulic modelling and hydrology. He has delivered a wide range of studies of varying complexity for both public and private sector clients. He has been (and is currently) involved in numerous projects, including modelling, flood risk mapping and flood alleviation appraisal, including in several high-profile locations.​ This experience has included a lot of detailed 2D modelling.