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Mastering 1D-2D Modelling:

A Beginner’s Guide

In this webinar, Frances Fowden, Graduate Modeller/Hydrologist at Jacobs, provides an introduction to 1D-2D modelling using Flood Modeller. She provides valuable insights into the software and its latest features, including the extensive range of structures which can be modelled, the integrated GIS interface, and the new Hydrology+ module which streamlines the integration of hydrological and hydraulic analysis.

Additionally, Fran gives a short live demonstration showing the process of building a 1D-2D model in Flood Modeller.

This webinar is an excellent opportunity for both beginners and those looking to enhance their modelling skills with the latest tools and techniques.

Our presenter

Frances Fowden, Graduate Modeller/Hydrologist, Jacobs

Frances is a graduate Modeller/Hydrologist at Jacobs. Fran joined Jacobs in September 2023 after completing her master's at the University of Manchester. In her role, Fran has built and worked with a variety of hydraulic models and uses Flood Modeller on a daily basis. She has also been involved with benchmarking of the 2D solver.

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