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Options appraisal for flood risk management

As part of Flood Risk Management, options appraisal is paramount to identify and assess the different options available with the objective to implement sustainable flood risk solutions in line with the economic, social and environmental characteristics of the scheme.

This webinar gives you an overview of options appraisal as part of flood risk management. Using a real-life case study, David Webborn, Senior Associate Director and Head of Information Management & Digital Engineering at Jacobs, illustrates why options appraisal are so important and how it can be carried out for a positive outcome. 

Our presenter

David Webborn, Senior Associate Director and Head of Information Management & Digital Engineering at Jacobs

David is a chartered civil engineer, environmentalist and project manager working within the water and environment sector, with a passion for delivering sustainable civil infrastructure projects and digital innovation. This has seen him become a leader in implementing digital design technologies to deliver added value for clients and a more efficient and streamlined business - a role which he now delivers for Jacobs' Water and Environment business.

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