Features and benefits
Developed for nearly 50 years, Flood Modeller provides some of the fastest, most accurate and robust solvers available. Independently benchmarked by the Environment Agency and many other organisations, it is trusted by government agencies, utilities, insurers and consultants across the globe.
Integrated GIS interface
Our intuitive and customisable GIS interface allows you to quickly and easily build, run and analyse your models within a single environment. Giving you the ability to efficiently assess different scenarios, bring your models to life and explore your results by interrogating plots or animating flood extents.
Advanced 1D modelling
​Flood Modeller’s advanced 1D solvers are some of the fastest and most robust solutions available. If your river network goes out of bank, or your sewer system surcharges, you can dynamically link them to the 2D solver to accurately represent surface flows and depths.
Seamless integration of hydrology and hydraulic modelling
Flood Modeller's new Hydrology+ module streamlines the integration of hydrological and hydraulic analysis, reduces costs and provides a clear audit trail and synchronicity across the hydrological and hydraulic modelling technical disciplines and workflows.
GPU enabled - For faster 2D results
Access your 2D modelling results fast! Enhance your modelling, by incorporating higher resolution data and larger extents into your models, enabling more accurate and detailed results by harnessing the power of modern GPU hardware.
Latest hydrological methods
A range of boundary options provide the flexibility to accurately represent water entering and leaving your models. Within each boundary, Flood Modeller offers a range of options enabling you to tailor your model to your precise requirements.
40+ hydraulic structures
An extensive range of structures, including weir, sluice, orifice and bridge types, and control rules, enable you to accurately model the impact of structures and their operation on flows and water levels.
API - Unlock new ways of working
Flood Modeller's Python API provides a bridge between Flood Modeller and the python programming language, by allowing you to integrate your own custom tools and workflows. This added flexibility allows you to significantly boost your productivity and deliver innovative solutions to your clients by automating different tasks.
Damage Calculator
Quickly assess the overall economic impact of flooding on a catchment, allowing you to better understand the severity of a flood event. It also allows you to calculate risk to life data. Find out more
Supported and maintained
Flood Modeller offers a comprehensive knowledge base, an extensive training programme and a dedicated support team. More resources are available on this website, our YouTube channel or in our webinars.